Page 35 - Year:7 Number: 26 January 2022
P. 35

Rob van den Dungen, co-founder and commercial director of Insoluble
                 Anode Technology. We provide the world with our high quality MMO
                 coated and platinized titanium anodes with our mindset, WE ARE

                 What is the mission of       lower the operational costs in jewellery   because of our environmental focus we
                 IAT?                         production.                  are very strong in the recycling industry
                 As a company we have a mission to                         or urban mining. The above mentioned
                 provide the industry with the best in class   What is the best in class   are the known industries, a relatively
                 anode technology for a wide variety of   anode technology from   new industry is again a focus on the
                                              IAT?                         environment, Hydrogen production.
                                              That is in fact a simple question with a
                                              simple answer. We live in a technology   Insoluble Anode
                                              driven society and to have maximum   Technology is a young
                                              output you need to use the available   company, why already
                                              techniques, so best in class means for   have a branch office in
                                              us, we advice the customer with the   Istanbul?
                                              best design for the mechanical part   It was not the initial idea to do this but
                                              as well as the best suitable coating for   we used the current global pandemic as
                                              their application by using state of the   a leverage to become active in foreign
                                              art technology for a product that looks   countries as travelling was restricted, we
                                              very simple, combined with a very strong   chose to start in Turkey as we already
                                              focus on our people and the environment   had a good relationship with G-tech
                                              because it is not only about the product   electroplating equipment, our next step
                                              but also what we leave behind.  will be to open a factory in Turkey as we
                                                                           believe Turkey is a hub from which we can
                                              You mentioned that you       reach the middle-east, the former Soviet
                                              supply to a wide variety of   countries, Russia but also the African
                                              industries, can you tell me   continent. We continue growing so new
                                              which industries?            sales partners are always welcome, please
                                              Most of the people are known with the   contact us!
                                              traditional application like electroplating,
                                              in that field we supply anodes for the
                                              jewellery industry but electro plating is
                                              also used in the steel industry for Zinc
                                              plating and Tinplating of steel strip on a
                                              roll (coil) like Tosyali Toyo and Erdemir.
                                              Other fields are the corrosion protection
                                              of steel structures like oil and gas
                                              pipelines, oil rigs and for us an important
                                              one, offshore windfarms. The next fields
                                              is one we all know, anodes for water
                 industries, were we have a strong focus on   treatment, I mean water treatment in
                 the electro plating industry. We help our   general and to name a few examples,
                 customers improve their production output   electro chlorination, electro oxidation and
                 by supplying custom made anodes tailored   electro dialysis. Another application of our
                 to their needs with the ultimate goal to   product is mining which is again divided in
                                              2 segments, ore mining and urban mining,

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