Page 51 - Year:7 Number: 26 January 2022
P. 51


             Thank you…                    2. Our country became         field of export. While Algeria took second
             JEWELTECHNIC MAGAZINE, which we have  Dubai…                place, Russia became the third country with
             been publishing since 2015, of course, brought   While we were considering which country to   the most votes. With this issue, we will be in
             us together in our 26th issue with the trust   add to our magazine’s distribution network   Dubai for you in February 2022, and while
             and support of you, our valuable machinery,   after Italy, we wanted you to make this   we bring our magazine together with foreign
             materials, and equipment companies   decision, as many of you know. Of course,   companies there, we will collect new data
             operating in our sector. With this power we   we did this while everyone was together and   for you...
             have received from you, we have always   at the October 2021 fair, the 50th meeting   In the new period, we will continue our
             been trying to make new works. While the   of the Istanbul Jewelry Show. Dubai was   work without slowing down and without
             pandemic process was still going on, we added   the most preferred country in the survey   interruption, with our magazine reaching
             Italy to our distribution network and we did this   we conducted with the participation of 62   wider audiences and our realistic distribution
             with the Vicenzaoro fair last September...  companies, especially experienced in the   principle.

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